Stejacks 2000 TC


New Member
A certain chap who's car i happen to be in the possession of found a little something that i could be interested in, brought it to my attention, a little deal was done and.........
I ended up dragging this out of a disused garage where it has been in slumber for the last 6 years!








A 1971 2000 TC :D
Granted a little rough but complete. The brakes were seized on and I have had to smash out the ignition barrel due to the barrel seizing up but I got the old barrel out and wedged a socket in to stop it coming back on whilst being dragged home and the brakes freed them selves off after a bit of persuasion :D
So homeward bound

So with the car home it was time to find out exactly what was stopping it from running, turned out that the motor was seized :sad:
So out with the trusty WD40 and put it straight down the bores and left it for a couple of hours and also some fresh oit in the top just incase, By this point my mate Phil had arrived, we scratched our heads drank some tea and finally decided that we really should see if we could get it to at least turn over, so with a bit of rocking the car some more tea, some swearing some more tea we had a slight movement on the bottom pulley! Phil then decided that if we tried it in 4th gear we should get a better result so we did and.........., IT WORKED!!! now with the engine free the starter wasn't engaging, so with a bloody big technical screwdriver a slight adjustment was made (thanks Jim) and voila now the car turns on (whats left of) the key :D
BUT it turns out that it has a catastrophic fuel leak on one of the carbs so content with the progress we moved onto other matters
If your looks like a piece of shit
If your children run away and scream at the sight of it
If your neighbors are embarrassed that its near their house
Simply call dial a Ginger!!









I wont be doing toooooooo much to this just yet mainly because Jim's car is controlling my life at the moment and I HAVE to finish my other car (its been 12 mths since i started it :oops: ) But rest assured it will get done :D
So, in between trying to straighten up my banana shaped door skins, did you get custard running?

Purchased 29th April 2012 after 6 years in a damp busted garage....................................................
Taxed and MOTed 11/6/2012 !!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :D :p :wink: 8) :LOL: :mrgreen:
He did say a little deal was done so i assumed it was fairly cheap
Amaxing how it got a MOT after so long laid up and with so little work
Looks a good car im a big fan of the untouched look (some call it the rat look) and i like the wing mirrors just think they look better than on the doors :D i would move rosie s from the door to wings if or when able
i too am a fan of the rat look but only on hot rods and customs but i do agree with keeping an old car as original ass poss so leaving the odd rust spot here and there is acceptable. My 2000 was re-sprayed in 91 and although not perfect i am keeping her that way :D
Also i personally dislike the wing mounted mirrors as they do cause rust issues but if thats what the car has than keep it that way i say :D