I'm not normally into bikes but...

That does nothing for me whatsoever....

I like my bikes a little more.......errrr..."modern" is the word I'm looking for.

Not new by any means, but nowhere as old as the OP.

Something along the lines of this:


One of which I owned in the 80's, when it looked like it came from 50 years in the future compared to everything else around, and tbh I reckon it still does...
harveyp6 said:
That does nothing for me whatsoever....

I like my bikes a little more.......errrr..."modern" is the word I'm looking for.

Not new by any means, but nowhere as old as the OP.

Something along the lines of this:

One of which I owned in the 80's, when it looked like it came from 50 years in the future compared to everything else around, and tbh I reckon it still does...

I want this 8)

The only reason I don't have one is that I will probably kill myself on it, or just after I fall off of it.

Richard - vrroooooooooommmmmmmmmm
I had a mate back in the late 80's I think it was. He had a Kawasaki 650. Took me for a quick spin, I love speed and anything that gets the juices flowing, but wow that thing shifted. It was uncool for a guy on the back of a bike to "cuddle " the rider, so I was gripping the bar behind me to stay on. Never felt relief like it when we finally got back in one piece. All I could think about at the time was " if we get a puncture now, that's it , I'm history. Trouser change was nearly in order.
You have good taste Harvey.

This is my daily:

Had a 1990 Kawasaki GTR before that. Fantastic engine, rubbish everything else. The Sprint is beautiful to ride in comparison.
harveyp6 said:
I also had a Rickman Kawasaki Z1000 with a turbo on it...

I remember the Rickman bikes, never really in to cafe racers though. I grew up in a bike garage in Dorset, mainly Suzuki stuff.

I can still remember the first Z900 I ever saw, I had to go and lie down after seeing that thing. I might just go and get one :D There is a bike shop opposite work in Dorset and he offered me a pristine Z1000 for £5K the other day.

harveyp6 said:
The Rovering Member said:
though I'm not really a bike man.

Good to see someone's keeping the thread on topic.....

Cute! :LOL:

I had a ride on the back of my mate's BMW 650 down to Rye in Sussex (a grand town) one November Sunday in the early naughties & enjoyed the small amount of time it took to arrive & then a couple of pints at The Standard Inn. I asked him before we left whether I should wear extra trousers & he remarked that it wasn't that cold, but I wore track-bottoms under my jeans regardless. It still took my legs three hours to get back up to body temperature once we got home though.
He did say I was a better passenger than our other friend however, as I let him lean into the corners without trying to right myself, which in our friend's case was assisting the horizontally-thrusting pistons in attempting to throw them flat onto the road.
Regarding Ewok's steed, this goes for me too:

harveyp6 said:
That does nothing for me whatsoever....

I like the old style cars, built in the mechanical style but I can understand why they evolved from that look, for the aesthetic & streamlining possibilities of the coachwork.
With something as elemental & basic as a motorbike, to cover up all the mechanical shenanigans when they had evolved, in their turn, into a sculptural & very attractive part of the machine just seems perverse to me, as though they want to have the same visual diversity as a car. This is not possible with mass-produced machines, they're too small to carry the coachwork & different makes of bike now look more similar to eachother than any car of the late 20th century ever did & that's saying something.
I guess it's more to do with the streamlining & love of speed itself than caring what the thing looks like, but to me that looks like a fairly bulbous, shapeless, get-lost-in-the-crowd kind of machine, despite the fact that it may be able to approach the fat end of 200MPH. I'm guessing that's important to bikers but then:

The Rovering Member said:
I'm not really a bike man.

Although, I would be over the moon to find an original Rover or Starley push-bike.