V8 Questions

interesting comment on one response indicating unleaded after 1976! my p6 is a 1974 3500 and has a sticker on rear screen .well aged and peeling showing four stars. this would indicate car has hardened valve seats and is suitable for unleaded. I only use unleaded and so far so good. if the sticker wasn't there..and seller assured me it was suitable for unleaded I would d be using full additive. just wondering if some markets rover supplied had option of unleaded up to 76?
I am just interested as how having a 4 star sticker has anything to do with the engine being suitable for unleaded fuel. In my view 4 star is the octane rating not lead free. Did the engine go lead free compatible when they were made suitable for 4 star instead of 5 star? Perhaps someone can enlighten me.
Did the engine go lead free compatible when they were made suitable for 4 star instead of 5 star? Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

No it was way before that, supposedly the very earliest V8's weren't, but they were by the time the NADA cars were sold in the US, which was late 60s. I've never had a problem with the V8 valves or seats. Obviously there can be incidences, but in my experience it's a rarity, and nowhere close to the scale that it happens on the 4 pots.