spark plug removal(V8 3500auto 1971)


New Member
I'm finding it difficult to remove my plugs from the SD1 head. The 14mm plug socket gets stuck in the bore hole, as it is too tight.

Can I buy a socket to fit the SD1 head? or do I need to machine a box socket down to fit, as someone as suggested?

Any help would be appreciated.

I created a socket myself - Well not really - Very carefully with a grinder went around the whole socket and made the "walls" slightly thinner. Took about 10 mins to do. Make sure you use goggles and gloves!
I ended up driving my car round a few helpful tool shops. Then trying a few. Some fit, some dont.!
I had the same issue, used an old fashioned box spanner with T bar - you still need to find one with thin walls !
I suggest that you obtain the correct spark plug spanner as supplied in the tool roll - these fit perfectly.

I have one, but I need it for my car otherwise I would let you have it.

Try putting a "wanted" on this Forum, someone is bound to have a spare one.

Good luck

I had a bit of trouble regarding this subject as well. My old spark plug socket didn't fit through the head wells, too big, so I went to the local parts shop and tried about 3 until I finally found one that was a snug fit.

However, knowing it did fit, I happily threw it in my tool box in the boot and didn't think about it again until, on the side of the road in the middle of the country 2 hrs before nightfall.. I needed to use it.

First 2 plugs came out alright, #3 was a bit tight and the rest were no go.... I Couldn't figure it out until I realised as the spark plug socket warmed up, simple physics demands it expands as well.

What buggered me the most is the prob was a faulty ignition lead, all the plugs were fine!

Feel free to laugh at my little story, needless to say five minutes alone with a grinder ensured that'll never happen again.