rover p6 no ID


New Member
Hi all ive been to see a rover p6 series 2 thats been in storage since 1979 ,but its got no reg plates no log book no history all lost , all i got is the vin number which reads M 149304, how do i find out the cars reg number , people that have inherited it want it gone and its in really great nick , dry stored in heated garage store
any ideas
Sometimes DVLA will help you over the phone as long as you don't want details of the current keeper, data protection etc.
It will at least tell you if it's on the system, providing you get someone helpful :)
Here in Spain would be very easy to find the registration number just providing the chassis number to the DGT (your DVLA). I suppose it would be same easy in England.

marcus said:
all i got is the vin number which reads M 149304, marcus

That doesn't look like a chassis number, they are usually about 8 numbers followed by a suffix letter.
Yep, for a series 2 that number should begin by 47*****.

Maybe that number belongs to a rebuilt body?

Get it first then worry about it!
If its free even better,if its a few quid you will have to judge for yourself what its worth!
You can always get it registered one way or another!
Got any piccys? any more info like colour,miles etc!
Chassis no should be stamped into both inner wings near the bonnet hinge or on a plate on the n/s inner wing.
There is a number in the boot,on the lip to the left of the catch on the body,is this the one you have seen? or been given?
I suppose it wold be too much to ask if there was any old Tax disc with the car?

This would have the reg written on it

Hi thanks all for info ive been back and the car is red in colour its a 2000 sc , the number i got is the one from the boot lid there is no other id on the car anywere and no paperwork at all its also no number on the wing area at the front they have been removed , the car is dare i say it mint there is no rot anywere all underneath is like new just dusty, and theres lots of boxes with all its parts in, the owner that as got it said it was in the family and was put in storage when his dad moved and there its sat , i will try and find out more, but im wondering has its a series two but has alot off series one trim and fuse box etc
i will post more as i find out the car will be moved later in week
The number in the boot is just a base unit number I believe. It will tell you whether it's a 4 or V8, auto or manual (in your case, 'M' for manual 4 cyl) but not much else. Early series 2 cars still had the s1 type fuse box and flat pleated seats and if it's an SC, then it will still have the strip speedo. Are there any other series 1 bits that shouldn't be there? Early s2 will also have just the 1 chassis number on the left front inner wing on a small plate, the stamped numbers didn't appear 'til a bit later. Presumably the colour will be Monza red.
marcus said:
Hi all ive been to see a rover p6 series 2 thats been in storage since 1979 ,but its got no reg plates no log book no history all lost , all i got is the vin number which reads M 149304, how do i find out the cars reg number , people that have inherited it want it gone and its in really great nick , dry stored in heated garage store
any ideas

That's not the VIN number - that's the base unit number from the boot slam panel.

The chassis number will be under the back decker panel - or, on a car of this age, stamped into the front inner wings (if it's still there).

To be honest this sounds like an anciently stolen vehicle if the chassis number has been removed and so have the plates!

It would be impossible to identify an original registration number for the car from this. If the car was to be re-registered you'd need to go through the rigmarole with DVLA - Mark Gray has the nescessary forms etc. to do this.


You could always buy a wreck of the same vintage and swap registration and chassis numbers , just don't say it was my idea
remove the drivers side rear seat back.

There may be a label there which has some information.

The family may or may not have old photographs with the car.

You are best to keep legal. The engine and gearbox have serial numbers which MAY be useful to date the car.

I suppose it is too much to ask that the glass was etched??

The chassis number should be stamped into the metal work under the rear decker panel somewhere in the vacinity of the filler cap hole, but this is often hard to find and on early cars may not be there at all.
Failing that the engine number would give a clue to the cars identity and with the key numbers could be used to verify it.
The number you have found is body number and this too could give us a clue for in the search for its full identity. As for the chassis number itself if its an early series 2 it should start with either 436 (manual) or 441 (auto) anything starting 47 would be laterin 1973. However there is another possiblity and that is, it could be that it is an export car which has been returned to the UK, that could account for the lack of number plates and possibly chassis plates. A detailed inspection would really need to be carried out.

That said, to get the car registered now with DVLA in the absence of the chassis number and/or number plates, would require it to be inspected by a club like the RP6C, which is authorised under the V765 scheme to do inspections for the DVLA. If the RP6C was asked to do this, we would use all means possible to identify the car starting with engine number, gearbox number and diff number, (if it is stamped). There might also be a clue to the true age of the vehicle on the glass in the 'triplex' name and how it is 'dotted' and then it would be a case of examining all of the cars fitments. More details about the V765 scheme at

Contact me by PM if you need any further information.
Hi im being to think the same that this is a very old stolen car , has its very strange engine number is missing off old lump , i have found a letter in seat with an address so i will start there