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Richard has now finished the first lot of chemotherapy (Monday last)

Whilst in hospital he has also contracted Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff) on top of the other stuff..

He has been sleeping a lot which at this point is a good thing.

I got a text off him last night asking if he could borrow my LCD Freeview caravan telly.
I shot up to the hospital with TV, remote and aerial for him.

Unfortunately due to his condition I was unable to go to see him and handed the telly over to Jo, his wife.
Richard texted me a hour or so later to say it was all working and would get some use...

Jo says he is managing although sometimes he is a little incoherent due to the pain relief.

The next few days should see some improvement in Richards blood counts then a decision will be taken as to the next step.
Options as I understand them are more chemo , a top up of bone marrow or another full blown transplant.

Subject to permission I will keep you updated but please realise that no news at times is good news.
Chris York is in phone contact with me and should I not be able to get to a computer I will tell Chris what can be posted.

Keep Richard, Jo and the boys in your thoughts

Pete Knowles
Thanks for the update Pete, we continue praying for Richard and family..............
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