removing the ballast system, finding the bloody thing!


hi folks,

any ideas where i should begin my search so i can disconnect it?, am i looking for a ballast resistor or is it simply a higher resistance pink/white wire?

car is a 76 2200sc


well i have found the end in the engine bay... that was easy!
not a chance im going to find the other end of the ballast wire so ill have to splice into the feed to the fusebox from the ignition and bring the wire in that way and then disconnect the other end of the ballast and feed it to the coil.

i cant for the life of me figure out how to access the wiring loom where it disappears up from the fuse box and then heads across the car before reappearing under the instrument panel... i can see the wire at this point but then it heads across the car again!, what a nightmare :twisted:
on the 2200 you will find it behind the speedo. There should be photos on the forum if you search.

I think it is white from the fuse box goes up the dashboard, behind the padding it joins the ballast wire.

Hi Jamie,

Why do you wish to bypass the ballast resistor? Are you fitting a different coil that requires a constant 12V supply and a suitable electronic ignition to accompany it?

You pull the cover off at side next to door to reveal 2 cross head bolts and pull the plastic knobs from the dimmer and trip reset then remove the retaining knurled nuts. pull metal panel away and remove the 2 cross head bolts, The whole panel pulls forward. Thats if you have round clocks. The Sc should have a ribbon speedo, in which case I cant remember off the top of my head but be careful not to damage the speedo cable when removing.

The ballast wire runs through the loom into the engine bay. You have to consider if it is work removing it.

A better option is to remove the fusebox and cut the supply wire off there if you want to isolate the wire or just leave it in place and heat shrink the end, it wont cause any harm. It is simple to solder a new wire on the fuse terminal and run it to the engine bay.

SC should have a strip speedo. If you open the driver's glovebox you should be able to reach the speedo cable just above and to the right of the steering column. It has a plastic extension on it to make it easy to undo. Then the warning light strip above the speedo is retained by 2 metal clips on the top, just push these up slightly and the panel will fold down towards you and lift out. This will expose the two screws that hold the speedo in place.