rear brake hoses - replacing rear brake hoses


New Member
I need to replace the rear brakes hoses to make my car roadworthy. The workshop manual is strangely silent on how to go about this. They seem difficult to access and I have had various methods offered including first removing the calipers or alternatively lowering the diff to gain access. Anyone done it recently or have advice to offer?
I did mine quite a few years back now, and don't remember it being overly dificult, the best bet with most of the rear brake work is to get the back end of the car up as high as you can, makes it a lot easier to get under and see whats going on.
The hoses are at the back of the calipers (i.e. facing the boot). Feeds into the right hand caliper (drivers side in the uk) and then a link hose across to the other caliper.
Get the back end of the car up on axle stands , put a jack under the back of the diff, remove the 3 bolts holding it to the rear support , then lower the jack. The pipes will then be easy to get at
DaveHerns said:
Get the back end of the car up on axle stands , put a jack under the back of the diff, remove the 3 bolts holding it to the rear support , then lower the jack. The pipes will then be easy to get at
If you do it this way, put some loctite on the bolts when you refit them, and disconnect the first flexible hose before you lower the diff.
many thanks for the input
I will try lowering the diff if I can't get sufficient access by jacking up high as suggested.
Is it difficult to realign the holes for the bolts on reassambly?
Raise/lower the diff on the jack and use a screwriver in one of the bolt holes to tell when it's lined up

I think you can release the metal/ rubber pipe junction from the bracket to save disconnecting the pipework if you don't need to
finally did the job over Xmas New Year break.
Went remarkably well, access is good with diff lowered and the hoses were indeed perished, in fact I was impressed the tester had found it because the damage was deep against the caliper and both hoses had hidden damage... clever fellow, will thanks him when I go back!
diff offered back up easily and the bolts went in easily too.
I knew it was going too well, so when I stripped the thread on the bolts holding the lower mount for the dampers, I was almost relieved! two recoils sets later all is well and new hoses, coils and dampers should improve the red beast no end. Many thanks to all for the very helpful input, it was truely fantastic and gave me great confidence to tackle the job.