PAS Box leaking


Hello fellow Rover drivers,

the PAS Box on my 3500 V8 auto (LHD) is leaking a bit. After every drive i leave a couple of drips of fluid on everybodys driveway, which sometimes leads to unpleasant discussions. Especially if somebody just renewed the driveway surface (sic).
So, i wondered how difficult is it to cure the leaking? Steering itself is fine and without problems or unusual noises, the steering pump was replaced recently.
I am also wondering where the fluid comes from, since the level of fluid in the reservoir doesn't drop significantly. I think i am right with the assumption that the whole power steering system is connected and filled with this reservoir, or am i missing something?

I already have a PAS gasket set for it. Is there anything else i need? How difficult is that job?

Greetings from germany
CU Olaf
Try to clean and dry the box and that will make seeing the source of the leak easier. Could be just one of the pipes loose. They're not prone to leaking in my experience. I have seen NOS LHD boxes on ebay recently.
Hello Olaf,

By all means give it a good clean first. Engine degreaser works a treat, then once dry and you can go for a test run, the point of the leak will thus become evident. Apart from the hose clamps which may need tightening, the little grub screw on the top and the rack pad adjuster screw on the side can both be a source of leaks. My box has 230,000 miles (370,300km) on it, and these were the only points where fluid has ever been lost.

You are correct in that the reservoir provides the supply for all fluid within the system.

I had a leak from my PAS box (LHD) which was the lower seal. I stripped and rebuilt the box with new seals. It is not difficult provided you take care. The lower drop arm is a bit tricky to get off as it is mounted on a tapered spline. I used a Land Rover dealers to get mine off as the design is very similar to the early Discovery, ands they have the correct tools. It was still difficult to get off even then!
Mine used to leak badly from one of the hose connections. Two new dowty washer cured is for a cost of around £2. Clean up and have a look could be easier than you think.