Not a bargain...

Was just looking at the location and seller's name.....not a certain club editor we all know is it? :wink:

Dave3066 said:
Was just looking at the location and seller's name.....not a certain club editor we all know is it?

Exactly what I was thinking, looking at the other items for sale, there's other P6 items for sale, and a Standard? part, so it may not be.

Cheers, Adam.
Adam Birch said:
Dave3066 said:
Was just looking at the location and seller's name.....not a certain club editor we all know is it?

Exactly what I was thinking, looking at the other items for sale, there's other P6 items for sale, and a Standard? part, so it may not be.

Cheers, Adam.

It is a certain Mr. Gray.

The toy car is EXTREMELY rare and may well get the asking price. It's like something from 'Toy Story'... :)
I had the police car version of that model when I was a nipper! :)
Same blue light and sirens on the roof too, except it was in a 'jam sandwich livery' of course.
My brother kindly destroyed it for me though :evil:
I've got one of those but mine is in decidedly more used condition. You're right Nick, they are very rare, I think I've only seen one other. I also have the Police version but it is in a larger scale.
Bought one of those (in mint condition) 2 years ago for £28.00, but without a box.

I reckon that was a bargain.
I saw the Vanguard Kangaroo bonnet decoration, and I knew it must be Mark. He asked me to see if I could find one at the wreckers in Australia back in 2001. I never managed to find one, in fact have never seen one of these on a Vanguard in Australia.

For those asking, yes ebay's 'p6estoura' is me and I'm doing the selling and you may or my not think my items are bargains, that is up to you and surely is governed by how much, somebody wants or 'needs' my items. Personally I would prefer to not have to sell anything but then, needs must.

As for my plastic car collection, I don't want to sell any of the 10 that I have, but after 27 months of unemployment, I now find I need the money because I have bills to pay and a mortgage. Coupled to that we have had the arrival of another car into the collection, in the past couple of weeks, left to us in a 'Will' ....very unexpectedly, which was obviously not planned and has already cost me in excess of £350, and is going to cost me more as the weeks move forward, so all in all that means, I need to generate cash. Before any comments come in about '£350' not being much money, its a great deal of money when you don't get any funds like unemployment benefit and I haven't after the first 6 months. For the first six months, I was entitled to £53 per week, that equates to half of our mortgage per month. After the first six months, I have recieved nothing from the 'Benefits Office' because my wife works 37 hours per week and because we own most of our own home. This figure of £zero entitlement, was reached after a 'means test' where income and outgoings werenot even requested, it was purely based on Angie working 37 hours per week. That benefit is called 'Contributions Based Benefit' and even after paying 28 years of contributions, we weren't entitled to a penny. And theres more. Because of the result of the means test, we were not entitled to any reduction in council tax (£1400 per year) but on the plus side I did qualify for free dental work on my two remaining teeth and a free medicine prescription if I was sick. Ironically, something I didn't get in 2004 when I was off work 'sick' after being crushed by a fork lift truck and I had to learn to walk again over the following four months, (the pain killing tablets cost me £6 a month). And yes before you ask, we do have mortgage insurance, but before you say anything, its worth checking your own policies because you may find, like us, that it only pays out for 18 months. And then the bank want paying again and the mortgage insurance premium payments start again, even though you can't put in a fresh claim for two years, that is of course allowing for the fact that you have managed to hold onto your property in that time!

Now I am sorry for burdening you with the details of my recent existance but that is why I am now starting to sell off my precious collection of P6 related items and others bits, because I want to keep my home. Oh yes, again before you ask, I have been trying to get a job, in fact there isn't a day that goes by without a vast amount of effort being put in, to just that, in fact more hours are dedicated to that one pursuit than I used to put in when I was at work and those of you, who actually know me and know what I used to do, also know that I did put the hours in at work, 80 plus every week.
Also since being out of work I have, taken and passed an IT qualification and I have also taken and passed the CPC National, a qualification which in theory allows me to be a transport manager, something very close to what I have done as a job for the past 13 years, but neither have helped me back into work, in fact the latter, has worked against me, 'over qualified, he said'. I have a fork lift driving licence, but no one, even the agencies will take me on to do just that because of my higher managerial experience. I have been to countless interviews and have come away with only rejection and reasons which begger belief, ' wrong experience, too much experience, too varied experience, over qualified, under qualified, and the best of the lot, was one guy, who turned around and said that I was better qualified to do his job than him, so there was no way, he was going to take me on' ,so I am snookered in all directions and have now registered as 'self employed' so that I can do any work which is offered personally, be it , working on P6's, fitting carpets, refurbing houses, data entry, what ever comes my way. It's all a bit difference from being 'Head of Operations' as I have been in the past.

As I say I am sorry for burdening you but that's it in a nut shell. Now my plastic fire chiefs car will probably end up in the hands of a toy collector rather than a P6 enthusaist which is a shame but I need the money, so that's that. And when it comes to toys some people out there will pay the big bucks, don't forget a while ago someone paid over £600 for the corgi transporter with a P6 on iit, so which is the bargain? And James yes Standard did fit the kangaroo onto the Spacemaster Vanguard and there are two versions of it, this one and the earlier rarer rounded off version, which I also have one of. Both have been varified as being right by the Standard Motor Club archivist, who was drolling over them both a few years ago at the NEC when I took them to show him. I will be selling more interesting bits from my 20 years of owning P6's, on Ebay over the coming weeks, so please watch this space.

In the meantime, if anyone can find me some work, I would be grateful, as I am not one of Haig's or Cameron's 'workshy scroungers', I always put 110% into everything I do both at work and in the club scene.

My apologies for the lengthy personal drum banging which I don't normally enter into but on this ocassion, I thought I would put the record straight before any further responces.
Thank you.
Mark, the above, mate, must have took some writing. I hope you find employment soon, we all in some way are hoarders and collectors and when we have to part with our "Prizes and Plunder" ( as my mate calls it) to keep our heads above water it can be very distressing. Good luck with the sales and Job hunting.
MarkGray said:
even after paying 28 years of contributions, we weren't entitled to a penny


I know the feeling. When I left the Forces after 23 years worth of contributions I wasn't entitled to a penny because of my Forces pension. Hope you get a job soon before you have to part with much more of your collection. Might there be a case for a number of generous club members to form a syndicate and buy these items off you for the club? That way the pieces stay in the P6 world and you get some much needed cash. Just a thought :idea:

I sold my old coin collection (about 50 kg coins) and prewar/war time unused stamp collection in full sheets (about 5000 stamps), when I come here in UK from Latvia.. it was really hard to do and really terrible feelings, because it was my all life collection- started when I was 6 year old, but it was only way to start new life in foreign country and I got few months time to start self employed business. I know this feelings, but I think we are too much addicted from all this small or big toys :) collections is good, because its like insurance in situations when You dont have money any-more. now I started invest into coins again, because I know- some day I will need money again.
good luck to find correct job :)
Mark , I hope things turn round for you . I had 5 months of unemployment in 2009/2010 and know how it feels
I was only entitled to 26 weeks jobseekers allowance as well