Exhaust Middle Box - Easy job?


New Member
I've finally decided that as much as I love the mean sound of a blowing exhaust on a V8, that holey middle box needs to go.

Any likely problems to be encountered or will it be as easy as I hope?

Must find the penetrating oil...

Hi Yangreen

Its as simple as anything else that is done lying on your back, although rust in the eyes does spoil the fun. My local exhaust place (Moss) can even get the back box sections, although the same parts are listed for the V8 and 2000. Its all the fittings and jointing gaskets you have to keep hold of.
The clearance between the middle box and the spring looks tight on mine, although the rubber mountings seem to keep it all in place with no clangs and bangs over bumps etc.

Go on, just cut the whole lot off and fit a side exhaust !! ;) :p
Don't suggest side exit exhausts! I might actually do it!

And a flame job.

And a supercharger sticking out through the bonnet.

No, I think I'd better leave things as they are meant to be before the anti-chavving-of-classics brigade get their hands on me!

Thanks for the advice


Over the years whilst working in the motor trade - Kwik fit being one place (and what an experience that was, only lasted there 8 weeks) - I have found that it is as cheap to have the exhaust fitted as it is to buy.

I bought an exhaust for a Cavalier once, fitted it myself and then found out that for £2 more - they would have fitted it for me!!!!!

Johnny. ???

Its already been done, not for the faint hearted.

Rumblin' Ron, could you put a few more pictures of that insane black'n'flamed blown P6 on the site to brighten up a dark winter evening!? I've just got to see the whole car, not just the front end teaser...
I knew a fellow once who'd built a blown Rover V8 in a black'n'flamed high-rise tube front axled Opel Manta mark one, on big'n'little Centrelines. It was brutal off the lights...
Rumblin Ron (and all)
if you send photographs to our webmaster he may include them in the gallery where they are easier to find in the future.
Regards, John.
Glad you like the photo, its not mine, but off Mr Rudiger Wicke's web site (see under membership on this site). He has a wonderfull selection of photo's amongst other things, this one was under "Racers". There was a site (Australian I think) that had a wonderfull photo of a P6 doing a smoking "burnout" down a city street. Cannot find the site anymore, so a happy smilie to anyone who finds or finds it.

Here's the pics, god knows what the transmision and rear tyres are like to cope with that engine !!


:0 :p

YAHOOOOOOO!! In promotion of Rudigers web site, here's my photo of the whole year,

Thank you Rudiger (is it OK to creating these links Rudiger ??)

PS what is it about Aussies and Kiwies ??