Detailing switches


New Member
Any suggestions for re-detailing the symbols on my Series 1 dashboard and column switches? The white detailing has worn away on some and needs re-doing. Is there a fine pen or something similar which would be appropriate and would be a long-lasting answer? It strikes me as being a fiddly job but worth doing when I'm banished to the garage and don't want to get filthy. :)
some correction pens, such as Tippex and Pentel, have very fine points - Easier than brushes and available from all good stationers.
Regards, John.
Firstly, welcome back John - even Johnny has been missing you! As for the symbols, if the grooves are still deep enough paint over the whole lot with a white cellulose, really whack it on wait for it to go tacky, then with a piece of cloth soaked in thinners wipe over untill the paint is removed from the flats but left in the grooves of the symbols, dont use a fluffy cloth though as you will get bits of fluff left in the symbols, and dont use a towelling type cloth this will lift the paint out of the grooves, old shirts are a good fabric source (nice and flat and if they have been washed enough no bits of fluff) If the grooves of the symbols are not that deep, use the same method as above but let the paint go off and then remove it from the flats with a fine wet and dry, finish off with your cutting compound of chioce hey presto shiny black plastic and whiter than white symbols.
I use the white child's wax crayon.
I rub on the crayon and press it into the detail.
Then I use a smooth cloth to buff the switch. The wax in the crayon helps to create a shine. There is no mess after the process and the switches look bright and shiny. Where the detail has become very dirty and filled the space, I have used a needle or pin to remove some material prior to refilling with white wax.

"I spy with my little eye"...........a sentence in a previous post in this thread, that the PC brigade would fall upon with wrath if they saw it. Of course, I'm far too polite to point it out to you. :D