Converting to PAS


New Member
I have been gathering the parts to convert my 3500s to PAS. So far I have a PAS steering box and I hope to have a pump by the end of the week. However a question has been raised over the steering column shaft which goes from the steering wheel through the firewall and engages on the spline at the rear of the steering box. Are the shafts for both manual and PAS the same length? I have been given an old shaft from a PAS car and told to measure them. I guess I can with some difficulty measure the existing shaft on the car (Rover did not always make tinkering with their cars easy). Are any of the members able to advise me on this?
Hello Classicus,

The steering shaft is the same length for both manual and power steering boxes. The only difference is with manual steering cars in which there were two, for cars without a steering lock and one for cars with a steering lock, and in the case of the latter this is the same shaft used in cars fitted with power steering.

Some progress on PAS. On Sunday I went and collected some parts removed from a donor car by Rover Bill. When I got there he had already removed them and I got a heavy box with items packed in plastic bags. At home, I found the first item was a high pressure hose. It was in remarkably good condition, both the hose and the end fittings. The only casualty was the foam rubber covering near the pump outlet. It was perished and sticky. It will be replaced. It also had an aluminium tag, stamped with the correct Rover part number 578211 and the date 3 12 73. Next out was the pump mounting bracket. It is a massively engineered item made of steel about 5 mm thick. Lastly the pump which appears to be OK. All I need now is the reservoir and a the correct crankshaft pulley. Should I get the pump reconditioned? Although the car it came from has not been driven for years it seems to have leaked fluid when removed. The heavy power steering box I got came from another car but I recall that when we removed it, some fluid leaked out.should it be checked also? There is a firm up in Auckland (NZ) who does these, no doubt at great cost.
Hello Classicus,

You can buy a seal kit and the bearing and overhaul the pump if you wish to. I guess seeing as you have both of them just sitting there and only they can really tell you about their exciting past, then having both overhauled would not be a bad idea.

If you don't and they start leaking or moaning or worse once you have them installed then just imagine how peeved you will feel.
