Bonnet moving around at speed


New Member
Does anyone else have trouble with their bonnet moving around at speed? When I get to about 70+ and the bonnet will sort of fidget slightly. If the prevailing wind is against the car this can be quite violent and rather disconcerting. My old saloon used to do it quite badly. This was improved by replacing a worn bonnet hinge but is it possible to eradicate completely?

All catches, rubbers etc are in good condition.
Lucky did this when I first picked him up. One hinge was shot and replacement with NOS (not second hand - you're unlikely to find a really tight one - you shouldn't be able to move the hinge by hand when it is off the car). I also replaced the rubber across the front of the bonnet/slam panel and adjusted the buffers at the front of the bonnet to just tension the bonnet when shut. Plus the blanket is tight to the bonnet and there is a noticeable gap between the bonnet edges and the wings which I've no doubt allows any excess pressure to escape that way as well out of the back corners. I haven't had him above 115 yet, but the bonnet is now completey rigid up to that speed.

I had some difficulty finding NOS hinges. I had a fall back plan to expand and re crimp the rivets in the hinge pivots but turned out not to need it.

I have had this on all four P6Bs I've owned. Less so on my current car, where the bonnet hasn't cracked along the sides, but the RHS hinge has almost a centimetre of vertical play in it with the bonnet closed. NOS hinges sounds like a way to go at least for me.
My bonnet wobbles a bit at high speed too. I replaced all the buffers on the side and front and tensioned the bonnet when closed as chris has done but it made little difference. Probably just worn hinges as it seems to lift slightly at the trailing edge. I just put it down to being a BIG bonnet with lots of airflow over and under it. Probably a bit of aerodynamic lift due to the bonnet's curvature too :D

Well at least I'm in good company! Looking again at mine there is still a bit of play in the bonnet hinges, will keep an eye out for NOS. Where did you find yours in the end Chris? Was it ebay or is there a secret P6 parts mine you have access too?
Both! One off Ebay and one from a secret parts mine! My secret one was called Colin Gould at Kingsdown Garage in Faringdon.


PS I think you now qualify to update your signature panel to "recently megasquirted"!
I had the same problem, loose hinges, so i had to be a little creative with a couple of hammers, to hit the pins in the hinges (out of the car of course), to make them swell somewhat and take up the slack. It worked! :D

Someone with a less bodgy approach could dismantle the hinges and weld and redrill the holes, using new pins. But this one needs considerably more time and skill.

I like that bodge, Demetri! Especially since mine look great otherwise and don't deserve the bin treatment... :LOL:
BBLongman said:

I like the sound of the bodge too, it's only as bodgy as knurling bushes surely?

Agreed! And as someone once said, it's only a bodge if it doesn't work! :D
I don't think it's beyond the wit of man to fit oversize hinge pins in is it?

If almost evey P6 has worn bonnet hinges now then surely it must be worth while for some creative person with a lathe (not me) to knock a few up for all of us, hint hint.
testrider said:
I don't think it's beyond the wit of man to fit oversize hinge pins in is it?

If almost evey P6 has worn bonnet hinges now then surely it must be worth while for some creative person with a lathe (not me) to knock a few up for all of us, hint hint.

I like the way you think there testrider....... :wink:

I'll take a set when someone starts a production run :wink:
