Wheel nuts?


Active Member
I have finally started to examine my Christmas pressie to me, starting with the front o/s corner, None of my wheel braces fit, (it came without a wheelbrace) but diving into my old socket set I found a 3/8 Whitworth socket fit perfectly. What is the correct size, 3/8W (or 18m/m) I couldn't find my thread gauge, are the studs Imperial or Metric? Just idle curiosity as I found a socket to fit. I believe pre 1955? Morrises and MG's had metric threads with Whitworth size heads, what did Rover use on P6's Metric or Imperial?
Good news is I found new pads and radiator fitted, I also found the rad pipes hose clamps needed tightening.
Thank you, that probably explains the round shouldered nut where someone has obviously tried a 19mm socket!