This forum, still part of p6roc?

I know some stuff changed but it was done so very well I never really noticed apart from the URL change. But my PC HD went silly and I had to reinstall on a spare HD which meant I lost my bookmarks. Going to p6roc and trying to log on to what I thought was this forum failed, it did not recognise my username / password. I had to use google to find the forum again.

Does p6roc now have it's own new forum now or is the page just broken and no one noticed?

Sorry, silly questions.
This forum is now totally independant,and the old forum link to the club is defunct!
ANY Rover club can now make use of this forum,presume up to SD1's.
The forum is, and has always been owned by Richard our webmaster. It was linked to the P6ROC when Richard was part of the committee of the P6ROC, but never actually owned by the club.

Since the demise of the committee based P6ROC and turning of it into a sole trader business, Richard is no longer on the committee (cos there isn't one)

The forum then changed it's name to the "Classic Rover Forum" and is therefore no longer anything to do with ANY P6 Club nor linked to ANY club.

So now we are a collection of happy P6 enthusiasts who want to enjoy our P6s and help each other out, whatever club we choose to join.

At the same time, you probably noticed the creation of the "Clubs" section where any Rover club can promote activities etc.

Hope I've described that properly.
