Pete The Editor

New Member
Don't suppose anyone is interested but there is a HUNTSMAN Webasto Full Length sunroof on eBay.

The animal owning it says he will take it off with an angle grinder.....

Isn't life fun!
The guy selling the roof points out that the car is rotten. He apparently feels uncomfortable about cutting the roof off, so it seems he has a heart! It saves having to strip everything off the roof in his yard as well.
I suppose you can see the seller's point.

IF (s)he cuts off the whole roof at the door pillars then whoever gets the roof can take it apart at their leisure and is TOTALLY sure of getting everything to do with the Webasto and not leaving bits behind.

Mind you if you went to collect it you could probably get some other Series 1 parts cheap...
If the car is that rotten then the rest is probably going to the scrap yard anyhow!
If I had some spare cash I'd have it like a shot, but my projects are sucking all my cash dry!

Would look lovely on my white 2000. But then so would 19" chrome rims and that aint gonna happen either!

