Electronic Ignition


New Member
Thinking of looking into electronic ignition in an effort to improve the fuel economy of my V8, do many of you use this or are points still the preferred option. What kits are out there and recomended that are suitable for a 72 3500 auto and is this a DIY job or am I better sending it off to a specialist. Ill be looking at replacing the coil and leads and all the other gubbings to get the best performance and make sure everything is tip top at the same time
Have a look for simonbbc on google or ebay. He does a kit for the p6. Other one is looking for pertronix and ignitor. Mine has lumenition which is a little more expensive and has an external amp unit...

I think there is a strong move away from points and at the price of conversion it is a no brainer so yes I think a large amount of the users on this forum have converted to electronic ignition. Look thru previous threads, its a simple process to convert.
