CLASSIC CAR SHOW - Windsor Park, Hastings


New Member
The above will be held on Sunday, 9 March at Hastings. (Hastings NZ, that is). Last year it was organised by the Hawkes Bay British Car Club and I attended. Windsor Park is a large grassed area surrounded by old oak trees. These protect the cars, their owners and the public from the hot Hawkes bay sun. There was a fair turnout of British cars and it attracted considerable public support. Rover was represented by a large tentlike pavilion resplendent with Rover flags and banners. Most of the Rover cars were from out of town. (Old Rovers are a bit thin on the ground in Hawkes Bay). This year it appears that the HB British Car Club has amalgamated with the European Car Club. It does not appear that this has been an entirely popular move. If what I have been told is correct, we may expect to see at least fifty Rovers from out of town. I shall attend and report on the turnout in due course. I have washed my 73 3500s and removed the accumulated dust and cat feet marks and will enter it.
The British and European Car Club show on Sunday was an outstanding success. British cars predominated and there was a wide range on show. I joined an out of town club and was able to park in the shade of the large old oak trees. Unfortunately every time there was a gust of wind there was a shower of acorns which rattled loudly off the cars roofs. I was most impressed by a 1929 Rover 10-25 which had been painstakingly restored by its proud owner. I can recall old Rovers having a badge on the radiator pronouncing that it was an "All British Rover". This one said it was an "English Rover." Also exhibited was a 1960's E Type Jaguar which had been restored by Beachem Jaguar at nearby Havelock North.
It had been fitted with all modern electronics and a new supercharged (non Jaguar ) V8. it by now will have been airfreighted to Germany where it will be exhibited at the Essen Motor Show. Following this it will be transported to the UK where its new owner will part with $300,000.
Sounds very nice !, if you've got any photos of the day why not do a mini-report and email it to the editor ( for publication in P6 News. It's always nice to see shows taking place in countries where its not blowing a force 9 !