Rover P4 bonnet buffers


New Member
I am restoring a P4 which someone else took apart. I notice the bonnet has holes at intervals along the side flanges. Do these carry rubber buffers and can anyone supply a picture and dimensions? I also note there is a small adjustable bracket each side on the inner wing to adjust the bonnet height which probably also carried a rubber buffer. Are these the same buffer? Your help appreciated.
Thanks for the link. Since my post I discovered three different types of bonnet edge buffers from different suppliers
Some are flat and circular, some domed, and some like a truncated cone. But which is correct?
Here are a few images which may help. The diameter of the buffers along the Bonnet edge are 14.3mm diameter and on the front frame are 22mm die. Of course these are old buffers so the measurements may be off a little. As you can see from the state of mine, they need replacing. Here's a link to my Youtube channel where I have many videos of my 1961P4 80 restoration. david baughDSCF4519.jpgDSCF4523.jpgDSCF4529.jpgDSCF4530.jpgDSCF4520-2.jpg
Thanks for the pics. They certainly look like the flat ones although they might just be the domed ones perished and compressed! Anyway those are what I'll use.
I've already seen your channel which I watched with interest. One of the things you said ( I think it was you) was that the base panel under the A post ( to which the lower wing edge is secured with two bolts) should have a flange along it's edge but all the unrestored pics show this panel without a flange ( unlike the sill of which it is a continuation.)
You are correct about the sill extension, I've just checked and it does not have the flange. The reason I said that in the video was that the repair panel I bought has the flange which threw me a little.