Phil Robson
Well-Known Member
They do park correctly, yes
It looks like a wiring issue of the delay unit. When the delay cuts off power, there should be still park power available to the motor.They do park correctly, yes
Hi Mike.
It sounds like the only problem you have is with the self parking switch. On slow and fast settings the self parking switch is unused but during delay, as soon as BOTH the self parking switch and the delay governor have changed state, you are relying on the self parking switch to supply power. If it does not then your wipers will stop midway on intermittent wipe, and also the self parking function will fail, both of which you say are happening.
The wiper connections are highlighted above, during parking after switching off the wipers. The 12V power comes in on pin 4, through the parking switch and exits on pin 2. The other end of the pin 2 connection goes to pin 6 of the wiper switch on the dashboard, exiting on pin 4, then on to pin 5 on the wiper connections to the slow speed wipers. The image below shows the connection numbers of the wiper connector.
First you need to check for 12V power on pin 4 of the wiper connections, and again on pin 2 when the wipers are in operation. On pin 2 there should initially be no voltage until you switch on the wipers, then as they move off the voltage should appear. For you this would be easiest to do in delay mode. If the voltage is missing then the fault is with the parking switch as I suspect.
If the voltage is present on pin 2, then check pin 5. If there is no voltage on pin 5 then the wiper switch on the dashboard, or the wires on pins 4 and 6 of the wiper switch, needs attention. Check the image below for the wiper switch connections.
All the information above is for my 3500S, but hopefully it will give you an idea of what to look for.
I'm not sure why sometimes the pictures disappear. They are hosted on my web space and are still there.Whats necessary to be able to see the pics in the original post please? Most interested!
Glad you can see them!!!Hi Phil
Tried Internet explorer.. Yay, finally see your photo's. (not on Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.) I'm using a 'Windows 10 pro' computer btw.
Cheers, Peter
Thanks for the reply. Is there a way of raising the character limit so I can edit the original post to use the alternate URL’s?It is the security settings on new browsers stopping it. Chrome and safari block mixed content by default. Sometimes in the address bar there is an icon you can click that can override it.
This site has a certificate (https) to prevent hacking etc, but if the picture URL doesnt, the browser wont show it. More secure but a pain in the proverbial, and there's no easy way to bypass it.