Heater matrix removal

Do you have a phone number or an email address for Demisterman? I found them on the internet but it makes no mention of whether they ship to the US nor does it give any way of contacting them to ask questions.

I have the heater box safely out of the car and have removed the front panel of the box. The matrix is fully visible. Am correct in thinking that in order to remove the matrix I need only to loosen the adjacent external side panel and I can slide it out? Or is there more to it?

Thank you for the help.

Keith Hennessee
I seem to recall straightening a return flange on the case to avoid further disassembly, then re folding it after.
It was a while ago now.
Yep, that'll work. It's just a tiny flange probably just over an inch long. Fold it flat to get the matrix out, fold it back up 90 degrees once the new matrix is in.
Yep, that'll work. It's just a tiny flange probably just over an inch long. Fold it flat to get the matrix out, fold it back up 90 degrees once the new matrix is in.
With a lot of study I invented the same solution about an hour ago. I also loosened the corner screws on the left side piece and bent that side out about 10 degrees. But many thanks to both of you for responding. Tomorrow I will submerge it in a large pan of water and put some air pressure to it and try to determine where and large the leak is. But I think I am going to replace it in any event afte all the work to extract it.

Having the heater box out greatly reduces the difficulty of taking out the steering box and that I have to do. In Texas I can live without a heater all but about 20 days a year. But steering is required frequently.
Again thank you for your responses.

Keith Hennessee