Search results

  1. F

    P6 Bonnet Badge

    Is this a Series 1 or Series 2 Bonnet Badge
  2. F

    Gear Stick Gator

    Thank you . Will check this today
  3. F

    Gear Stick Gator

    Ok thanks for info
  4. F

    Gear Stick Gator

    Yes that what he is telling me. It is to thick and comprises the gear lever action
  5. F

    Gear Stick Gator

    Ok thanks. Will look into what you have suggested
  6. F

    Gear Stick Gator

    I am experiencing problems in engaging 1st and 2nd Gear, has been checked by a specialist and he can see no obvious problem. In his opinion the Gator as been replaced and says it is to thick and this is causing the problem. Recommends changing to a leather Gator which is much thinner. Has anyone...
  7. F

    Centre Console

    Looking forward to receiving photos
  8. F

    Centre Console

    Thank you
  9. F

    Centre Console

    I would have the ashtrays and please take photos. If required you could send me photos to
  10. F

    Rover P6 clock

    Thanks. Will try this method
  11. F

    Centre Console

    Would you be prepared to post to the Uk at my cost ?
  12. F

    Centre Console

    Anyone selling a Centre Console for 3500S Manual as photo
  13. F

    Meetings Etc

    Hi I have just recently purchased my first P6 . Are there any local meets / Shows Etc in the Coventy Area ?
  14. F

    Rover P6 clock

    Thank you
  15. F

    P6 Dashboard Bulbd

    All sorted and purchased. Thank you
  16. F

    Rover P6 clock

    The bulb in my P6 clock doesn’t work. How do you remove clock to replace bulb.
  17. F

    P6 Dashboard Bulbd

    Thank you. Can now purchase them
  18. F

    P6 Dashboard Bulbd

    Hi I want to change the Dashboard bulbs on my 1972 Rover P6 3500S. It is the 2 bulbs which light up the headlight switch , wiper switch etc. Can anyone tell the the actual size / part number for these.