Seeing as I felt I had nothing to lose with my old sender I did attempt to straighten out the pipe. I had it almost straight without any problems and decided to push my luck and tweak it a little more. I should have left it alone as I ended up cracking the pipe :roll:
With no other choice I...
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply. Thankfully just got back with a successfully repaired sender :D Sydney or not I would have taken you up on your offer due to thier scarcity.
Im just putting the feelers out there to see if anyone has a 3500 fuel sender for sale? My one has a crack in the main fuel feed pipe and Im having it repaired this week. However there maybe a possibility that it won't be successful so I'm seeing whats out there.
Many thanks
With the ongoing saga of my car misfiring and eliminating loads of items I decided to remove my petrol tank (a job I've been meaning to do for ages) and give it a clean to make sure that there wasn't any grunge blocking up the pipes in the sender.
It was quite straight forward to remove and...
Hi Peter, I used to have an inline filter before the old electric pump and one just before the carb. The rear one wasn't actually too bad but did have one piece of rusty metal in it! When I fitted the new pump (cant remember off hand if its a red top or silver top) I removed both inline filters...
A little update to my on-going saga.
Taking Harveys advice I removed the N/S carb to double check the float height after I replaced the old one. Lo and behold I had set it incorrectly by gapping it from the highest part of the float :oops: That will teach me for rushing it. Anyway having...
Thats what I have been thinking Harvey, I had rebuilt the carbs before myself and was confident about setting the float height again. I have nothing to lose by double checking.
I've just got back from holiday so I thought I'd update on my lack of progress with getting the car running.
I replaced the rotor arm and dizzy cap before I went away but didn't notice any improvement so today, with new enthusiasm I had another look at everything. I have rechecked my timing...
Hi Paul,
This was something i suspected, it had previously been replaced though by myself in 2012 after experiencing similar symptoms. I have tried sucking it but can't make the 'points' move so I removed it and was able to just about move the arm in. Its a lot stiffer than I thought. Should...
Hi everyone,
I posted a few weeks ago regarding the poor running of my car and possible fuel starvation. I check the fuel lines were clear and upgraded my electric fuel pump to a Facet silver top and removed the fuel filters I had to solely rely on the changeable one in the filter but this...
Thanks for that Rob. I think my issues today were due to 20 odd miles of motorway driving was using up the fuel in the filter and float bowls which starved the engine, as a result the pump struggled to give a sufficient supply.
My mechanical pump was redundant before I got the car. I take this...
I had a Facet posi-flow that was on the car when I bought it. I moved it to the back and when it packed up I bought another because it bolted straight onto the bracket I made. I know it's a rubbish pump, maybe I should of bought something different.
Im still experiencing issues with fuel starvation to the point of the car cutting out on hills. Firstly I want to rule out any restrictions in the main fuel line to the front of the car. Can anyone recommend the correct pipe that I should be using? I believe that there are currently plastic...
No I haven't Rich, thats not something I've thought of. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a lot of rubbish in them. I think I will replace them to be on the safe side.
That thought had occurred to me too Demetris. Its a long shot but Im going to fillup the tank today to see if that will make any difference. This doesn't happen all the time, it may be a coincidence but when it does the fuel is low. Maybe the sediment in the tank is affecting the flow :?
Hi All,
I'm a little perplexed by my current problem. Last week I experienced what I think is fuel starvation for the first time since I cured my vaporisation issues and relocated the fuel pump to the rear (Facet Posi-flow).
It first happened last week when I kicked down to join the motorway...
Thanks guys :D I have to say that it would have failed on idle emissions because its a post 1975 car and Co2 must be no greater than 4.5% but with a suitable application of revs the friendly MOT man said that the emissions passed :wink:
Re: Its been months!
Hi Everyone,
I can't remember the last time I was on the forum but after a long break Im back. What with work, LOTS of home improvements and a lots of family commitments the Rover has languished in the garage since attending lasts years 'Drive it Day' at Brooklands. That...
Adam, If you look at my photo below the actual lower seal is the one being pulled up. My foam was a bit crumbly but intact. Providing the windscreen is seated correctly it will seal. If you look at the second photo you should be able to make out where the glass is actually pressing on the...
Great set of photos :D
As a massive fan of the Sweeney I've always wanted to do a tour of filming locations in my P6, I think I'll have to find the time.
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