If I had a decent size garage I would keep it and continue the work but it's too much to do on a driveway and we now have too many cars to continue storing it.
Yes it is still available. I would like to find it a new home. Even being stripped down for parts to save other series 1 cars is preferable to it go going to the scrap yard, hence offering it for free.
Evening all,
For offer as per tittle is a series one 2000sc from 1965. From memory I think mileage is around 89000. No service history other than V5.
The car has extensive rot and is beyond my ability to restore. It needs new sills both sides, complete boot floor, the edge of the drivers side...
Abi playing on photo shop is what led to her wanting he red roof as she altered it in photoshop and liked the effect. I wanted to keep the same white as I have already sprayed the a,b and c posts the original colour as I have been repairing them. I have been using rattle cans from Halfords but...
I have managed to get some more work done now the weather is improving. With the base unit now almost finished I have moved onto the doors. Sorry forgot to take photos before starting the rear nearside door but I found rust in the frame at the leading and trailing edges where the reinforcement...
We already saved the car from going to the scrap yard once and I've put too much hard work into it to give up now although there have been moments when I threatened to have it towed away. Still lots to do but I can put the welder away for now. The car is unlikely to be back on the road before...
After a long period of being too busy to get any work done due to family events and my other car getting written off I finally managed to get some more work done this week.
Offside gutter is now completely replaced and primered ready for the top coat. The nearside was no where near as bad, the...
I have spent the last couple of days welding in the new gutters on the one side of the car and am very pleased that with slight alteration to the original stamping tools the new gutter sections fit perfectly and retain the original look although you have to be put them in in short sections as...
I have now taken the plunge and removed the roof to assess how bad the gutters had rotted as they were allowing water to seep into the rear foot wells. Having now discovered that there are no repair panels for the gutters I started to wish I had not prodded at this suspect area of the car. With...
It's been a while since the last post but things are still progressing slowly.
Virtually all weldng other than the gutters (cant rail) is completely finished and I am now on to the paint stage on most areas. I suspect this (painting) and my 4-year-olds social life are the main things...
managed to get a lot more done the last two days.
Front nearside sill and jacking point repaired, I was realy please I was able to save this section rather than replace it completely given the amount of work i had to do on the other side. Once I started cutting out the rust i only had to remove...
More progress and a few steps back today.
Striped out the rest of the interior ready to finnish welding the nearside jacking point and to paint the floor pans only to find the boat loving previous restorer had been at it again with the boat fibreglass. The nearside inner sill is not welded to...
Bought the Clark 135T which once you get used to setting the wire tension produces really good welds. This was the most powerfull welder they stocked rated for domestic power socket but it can handle all the gauges of steel on the P6. I use this with the large capacity disposable co2 bottles...
No garage I am working on the driveway subject to weather although I do have a small workshop for fabrication, panel prep and painting but no way to get the car in there not that it would fit. I'm also working with minimal tools and equipment i.e set of hammers and dollies a good quality welder...
Managed a few more hours this afternoon. I have now managed to attach new seal channels along the bottom of the drivers door including the curved section at the bottom of the A post, I went with the method of cutting small wedges out to get it around the tight radius corners. Only job on the...
I suspect the reason for the rear scuttle going so bad was that the rear deck panel was not fully tightened done so instead of the majority of the water washing over the rear screen seal it ran under the desk panel and tended to sit around the brackets. The centre section of the scuttle was...
Well it's a long time since I posted but that does not imply I have given up. Despite adverse weather and the holiday season conspiring against me progress has been made.
On further investigation of the rot in the rear scuttle panel it turned into 2 gapping holes.
The rot has been...
I am pleased with the way the welding is coming out but I am still having to do a fair amount of grinding. I had never welded on a car until a few weeks ago and I’m finding it fairly easy to pick it up although I guess buying a good quality welder helped with that and the welders already paid...
I have been meaning to put something up for a while here is our family 1965 Rover 2000 SC.
Having bought the car 12 months ago we decided to run it for a year to see if we could live with it. As I am sure you have all found they are extremely easy to live with so it is staying. A year later the...
Hi I was wondering if anyone has a series 1 wiper motor which has burnt out as I need a 110 degree gear wheel with straight (verticle) teeth as mine has stripped a tooth. This is the type with the square motor coming off the bottom of the gear box rather than the round motor on the side as I...
Just to update on this suspension noise all fixed it was the outboard universal joint on the drive shaft new one went in today after much cursing and now drives quietly again. Hope I never have to change anouther on one half of the joint took 3 hours or more the other half took 20 minutes. In...
thanks for the warning, waiting for the parts to turn up at the moment but shes off the road temporarily having thrown a strop the other day which is either the coil on the way out or fuel evaporation as it seems to be heat related ie will run perfectly all day with bonet open but within minutes...
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