Search results

  1. classicalgreen

    P6 electric conversion

    can't see point myself but each to own. much like having asthma train internally converted to diesel /electric .sort of defeats whole point of having an historic car . can't see many (any?) vintage cars that do London to Brighton run converting to EV either. then theres DVLA etc as changing...
  2. classicalgreen

    Battery box tray

    wasn't aware there was any other battery box than plastic. mine is original black plastic in decent condition . aware metal trays and cages often corrode due to various issues including acid attack in many vehicles. so assumed plastic had been used to halt any corrosion issues there.
  3. classicalgreen

    Leaking petrol tank - P4 . 75 . 1958

    thats probably what I used . can't find old tube though ..probably went off ( hard) with age so thrown out.
  4. classicalgreen

    Only 1 carb working ???

    probably sticking needle or float issue . my car plays up when very cold and get impression only one carb is working as uneven running stumbling for approx 1 min until heat? frees thing sup and it settles to half decent idle with tad choke. have you tried the lifting pin(s) see effect on...
  5. classicalgreen

    Leaking petrol tank - P4 . 75 . 1958

    I accidentally drilled into fuel tank when trying to fit electric pump nearby. I bought a sealer for it. consisting a tube of resin ? that simply squirted into and over hole like black toothpaste. ( ensuring area was clean/dry of course) next day had set like concrete . that was over 123 years...
  6. classicalgreen

    Power steering hose

    looks like outer 'skin'? has reacted with heat /oil and age. blistering and looking rough can be normal at that age. new hose would of course look better. though if we do not want to replace hose (fear of leak/snapped connection etc) oen can easily buy heat shielding online. sleeve of heat...
  7. classicalgreen


    I have avoided all that by using Evans coolant . not cheap especially as you need to use a water absorption fluid to flush through first! but it is highly recommended by some. many racing cars. Aston Martin etc use it . it never needs replacing either so long term pays for itself . only draw...
  8. classicalgreen

    Brake fluid

    using dot 4 in my rover p6 ever since changing all clappers. brake lines .master cylinder and servo . with of course new braided stainless hoses. so far no issues at all. as far as aware no set time period for braided hoses to be replaced but damage or corrosion is a must replace!
  9. classicalgreen

    High Milers

    no idea true mileage my rover. shows 38K. .compression test all around 165-175 psi .never burns any oil. removed dizzy to replace with full electronic and noted almost no wear on drive gear all all . so far everything leads to it being correct! rust free car etc but sadly no previous MOT's or...
  10. classicalgreen

    Fitting electric fan to P6 Rover - few simple Qs?

    my tuppence worth . had electric fan fitted (pushing ) 12" and made very little difference . swapped for uprated rad ( Wins international ) and removed fan . ensured rad was full .cap 15psi. removed. 84?degree thermostat. now runs just after midpoint on temp gauge ( running with Evans...
  11. classicalgreen

    Rear caliper bleeding

    I have fitted an extension Flexi capped with bleed nipple on rear brakes . so much easier I found than trying to struggle with original fitted nipple in its position .
  12. classicalgreen

    Discovered a nasty crack.. 1972 P6 2000TC

    looking at pics . my guess would be it has had damage and been welded again. weld spatter is evident and thats not normal with machine robot welding. Harvey is probably correct in wheel /kerb impact .then welded. ideally a new bracket ought to be used and check on area it is fixed too. good luck.
  13. classicalgreen

    Rubber sump gaskets - any good?

    not that I have changed sump gaskets on rover but when doing that on ford Kent blocks I ( and many I know) added a thin layer of gasket seal to one side go gasket (cork) before adhering it to sum pan. using couple of alignment pins in bolt holes to ensure. correct placement . important to get...
  14. classicalgreen

    V8 engine oil flush

    I never use any engine 'flushing' oils or fluids. often note dealers seem to us them when servicing cars? I used to work for a well known car maker in Dagenham. when we tested engines we NEVER used a flushing oil as regarded as not needed. modern oils have a mix of chemical to perform to a spec...
  15. classicalgreen

    Heater matrix removal

    check out rover P^ suppliers such as Wadhams and Wins international .I have seen exchange heater radiators for sale somewhere online. I asset thats what you mean when you say 'core'.
  16. classicalgreen

    Heater matrix removal

    when removing the 2 levers for heating .cabin etc on nearside. beware as I took my screws all way out ( what a pain getting them back in) and sadly one one the 'tines' snapped off! ended up welding it back on and filing etc to suit. not a job I would want to do again in a hurry. while you have...
  17. classicalgreen

    Oil filter- just want to buy the right one!

    I made a note when I bought new oil filter. was a Mahle oc118 or Land Rover RTC186 13/16" and not the 3?4" my car? rover p6 series 2 v8 3500 1974
  18. classicalgreen

    Engine temperature ?

    had same issues. now fitted up rated radiator (Wins ) . tower bleed is always my first check . 15 psi rad cap fitted . block reversed flush and heater matrix removed . cleaned ( needed desoldering as 90% blocked at far end) refitted. new hoses ( to ensure no internal restriction.s .coolant flow...
  19. classicalgreen


    ps. for extra cost to have an aluminium rad made .with hindsight I would have gone down that route rather than uprated rad.
  20. classicalgreen

    Heater problems

    lot of good advise. I tried all that but fond core was almost fully blocked ! ended up removing heater unit .strip and desoldered heater rad. cleaned out cores .and desoldered. all good!
  21. classicalgreen


    it was I whom used Evans water less coolant . they do 2 types ( so check ) yes ,pricey at first as you have to but a water absorber to flush engine with before draining out and filling with the correct 'classic?' Evans fluid. I use that as was having overheating issues despite having flushed...
  22. classicalgreen

    Stowing the P6 Jack correctly?

    jack can be stowed with or without spare wheel on left hand side as it goes under the cover (ought to be there?) on left hand panel . I have stowed mine in boot floor with a hydraulic jack too and a few tools. having fitted a flash 'floor' to boot which can easily be lifted out or hinged...
  23. classicalgreen

    Spring manufacturers

    can't say for certain but memory says Stag coil springs are same size and length as rover rear! can't recall where I read that but might be worth checking out if we have issues sourcing.
  24. classicalgreen

    Eyesight test

    :) lol on need spare parts .
  25. classicalgreen

    Seeking Outdoor P6 Car Cover Recommendation

    had a cover for sons lady it lasted 2 years .sun weakened out surface ( inner was. felt lined) and it caused fractures that wind broke apart as it degraded .( wasn't cheap either) so research is best .ideally cartoon type thing is better as no abrasion .rain deflect off is better etc and no...