Hi I have two roof panels that came to me in a garage clearance many years ago.
I have kept them dry stored but am now giving up the garage where they are kept.
The panels themselves are good, but the roof opening parts need a lot of love, especially the fabric one (complete rebuild required)...
I had a new one fitted by Peter Harvey a few years back and was told that from here on in they are only making the smaller frames for MGB’s. So the only way of getting one now is second hand and good for you for not scrapping !
I just had the back box. It was too loud for my liking, very anti social to the locals.... put the middle box back and happy bunny. Having said that, the 20 year old over the road approved the loud version!
I have my doubts too, and may do that, but can you explain what purpose the bracket has (in a fitting kit from the manufacturer) if not as I have done? Only curious......
I have them done up VERY tight and have given them a big tug but will confess I did have the same worry.
At the worst if it fails and moves, it is only adding an inch to the travel and that might even be a benefit, as it would lessen the deceleration effect .....
To do it properly you need to remove the roof (not as hard as it sounds), strip off the old vinyl (checking condition of metal work) then replace with lovely fresh EverFlex vinyl from Martrim (other shops are available) using the correct glue. Then reverse the procedure!
Everflex Vinyl PVC...
Don't think the arrow would light if the indicator wasn't working. It could simple be the earth for the affected light unit. Have a play about under the wing!
I’m guessing V8? Looking from the front it’s on the left hand side near the front. It’s quite a large item with one wire connector. Someone will be along with a better description :)
It's a 'simple' electrical circuit. To check if the gauge is working short out the wire at the sender. It should go to maximum if the wire/gauge are working. If it does then it's the sender, if it doesn't then look at the cable to the gauge or replace the sender.
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