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  1. quattro

    Advice please on bulb for map reading light

    I've moved it to P6 Electrics. I've never had a glove box light in any of my P6s, do you mean the map reading light?
  2. quattro

    Advice please on bulb for map reading light

    Hi Ricky, what car is it? I'll put your thread in the correct section when you let me know Richard
  3. quattro

    Lt77 gearbox.

    I use Redline MTL as well, it really does suit the LT77.
  4. quattro

    C pillar panel removal

    Do you mean this bit?
  5. quattro

    Where is the reverse light switch in my V8 P6 fitted with a 5 speed LT77 gearbox?

    I believe mine used to run forward on the inside of the tunnel (Right hand side) come up into the void behind the front speaker. The green one comes from the fuse box and the green and brown goes to the reversing lights. Mine were touching the prop and wore through, so they now come out of the...
  6. quattro

    P6 electric conversion

    I didn't mean to fit a jag diff, I meant to fit the rear electric motor of the ipace, instead of the diff, then you have no gearbox, no diff, no prop, just a 200bhp rear axle. Put the batteries in the engine bay to balance it all up.
  7. quattro

    Leaking petrol tank - P4 . 75 . 1958

    JB Weld do a petrol resistant epoxy putty called Tank Weld. I haven't used it so cannot guarantee it, but JB do have a good name. The substrate's got to be super clean though
  8. quattro


    All wrapped up and ready to go
  9. quattro

    P6 electric conversion

    I took my diff out and grafted a jag diff in instead. I did toy with the idea of getting another P6, removing the diff, and grafting a ipace rear motor in there. 200bhp would be plenty, and plenty of room in the engine compartment and where tank is presently. Then a Cresta came along and all...
  10. quattro

    Peculiar paint inside caliper

    Do the bleed nipple up, then push an air line into the other port. Don't lose the piston :) If that doesn't work, try a grease gun. My grease gun had enough adjustment to go over another bleed nipple in the other port.
  11. quattro

    dont be this guy

    Many years ago I painted the black bits on my 3500S wheel trims, red. I spent ages getting them to look right, but they really didn't suit the car at all. Quite liked the blacked out grill and side strips though.
  12. quattro

    Here we go again

    Yes, we're interested, and we all love piccies
  13. quattro

    Does anyone have a RVC Tachometer for a 2000TC series 2

    Forgot on Thursday, :confused: This is what I have here, not sure what car it's from, but definitely a 4 cylinder one.
  14. quattro


    I have a plasma cutter, bought it cheap at a show last year but I can't use it when the factory is running. If I want to sneak off and have a play for an hour when at work, I can use the nibbler but not the plasma, or the welder or angle grinder either. Things that create sparks are strictly...
  15. quattro

    A New Auto Transmission Option for P6B and P5B

    Thanks all I bought one a while ago for the Cresta, but as we're going a different route with that now, I may let Sparky have it.
  16. quattro


    Nearly there with the strip down now. There are still the front and rear screens, who on earth was bonding them in during the 60's ? - thank you Vauxhall. There's the odd earth wire here and there still connected, and some spring clips to hold screws in, but that's it. Under the dash, O/S...
  17. quattro

    A New Auto Transmission Option for P6B and P5B

    Anyone know what the actual gear ratios are on the ZF4HP boxes?
  18. quattro

    Does anyone have a RVC Tachometer for a 2000TC series 2

    Ok, it's redlined at 5,200. I have a tacho for the 4 cylinder car at work, but I'm not there until Thursday. I'll send you a pic.
  19. quattro

    Does anyone have a RVC Tachometer for a 2000TC series 2

    V8 tachos redline at 5,200
  20. quattro

    1972 P6 V8 - The Lush

    Jag rear install eh? Look forward to that. Are you using the whole thing, just the diff, or somewhere in between?
  21. quattro

    Floor pan

    I think the Autos are different as the transmission tunnel is a lot wider. I've never seen them for sale though.
  22. quattro

    Merry Christmas from New Jersey

    Happy Christmas to all those Rovers out there, and their owners of course :) :)
  23. quattro

    Power steering hose

    I was fitting an EDIS system as part of the Megasquirt fuel injection.
  24. quattro

    BW35 to LT77 conversion questions

    This may help, written 'back in the day.' Richard
  25. quattro

    Sparky's winter/spring/summer/autumn work

    "G'day Quattro, where did you get your badge?." I took my original badges to a local vinyl lettering guy, who sign wrote our vans, and asked if he could duplicate them with the same font, size etc but with 4000S instead of 3500S. I then rubbed the old ones down, painted them with a silver...