
Hi there,
guess what, Photobucket have finally determined that I have been using the site for third party hosting of my pictures. o_O
they say I can still see and down load my pictures but will disable the ability to post using a tag to third party sites like ours................BUT for the passing of gold to their hot little hands , all will be WELL again and lots of other freebees :confused:..
I will have to find another site for uploading my pictures if I wish to do that.
I dont have a large data limit so downloading all my folders to my computer is out of the question.
HO hummm :D
I think that the best fix is to dump photobucket all-together and find another picture hosting site, grab what you can from photobucket and make the move...:cool:
i'll try and put that code in over the next day or two. It's going to be temporary though as they're likely to catch on and prevent it pretty quickly, especially if they're running decent analytics at the photobucket end.
Hi, Yes it's the same on RR, there is a bit of a delay and sometimes a page refresh is needed to prompt it.

Hi, Richard, Does it load the pics temporarily to view them or is it permanent? If it's temporary, can they be extracted and made permanent? I'm glad this is being done by someone cleverer than me.:)

Its a little script that looks at the URL of all images and doctors them. There's a race though as to whether the script or the page URL gets in first. I may be able to improve it given a bit more tinkering by introducing a bigger delay on load.